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Better personal finances. Better workplace.
When your employees are better with their money, they’re also better at their job.

Financial Security

Encourage employees to make better financial and other decisions to improve their financial security.

Increase Productivity

Connect personal prosperity with hard work to significantly increase productivity for your employees.


Enable human flourishing with employees who made better decisions at work and in their personal lives.

about How It Works


There are 30 daily lessons, each lesson taking roughly 10-15 minutes to complete

Employees are given a six-week window to complete all 30 lessons

In person introduction & closing sessions if more than 20 employees

Employees can learn on their own or on company time

about How It Works


Each employee receives a multimedia eBook that requires

Access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone

High bandwidth internet or cellular data plan

about How It Works


$99 per employee for the first 100 employees

Ask about discounts for larger organizations

about How It Works


Course includes text, video, and interactive tools

Individualized attention from expert instructors

Digital badges awarded for successful completion

Self-guided learning including periodic quizzes & assignments